My son's froot salad
Last week, Joseph's class were told to write a plan for their ideal fruit salad. They would then have to shop for the ingredients and make the salad before bringing their creations into school for everyone to sample and comment upon.
If you are in any way familiar with what I write here, you will know that fruit is possibly one of Joseph's favourite things in the entire universe, so this was an exercise that was met with genuine enthusiasm. Of course, stroberees .... I mean ... strawberries, aren't all that easy to come by at this point of the year. Well, not any decent one's at any rate and Joseph is a bit of a fruit aficionado.
Anyhow, this was his plan for his salad and, as always, his work was marked on effort not on how accurate his spelling was (I love this approach - the spelling tests come at the end of each week in case you're wondering) and as you can see, his was a "good plan".
His classmates particularly enjoyed the sharon fruit but apparently the salad most enjoyed by all had "chewy fruit salad" in it. Surely they don't mean chewy fruit salad as in the pick 'n' mix type fruit salad??
No wonder they loved it!!
p.s. "goos" is juice. I'll let you work out the rest.
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