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Monday, November 24, 2008

Time to throw in the towel

I have admitted it in the past and I admit it again here today; I am my father’s son.

And, like my Dad, I like to think very carefully before disposing of anything that belongs to me, particularly when the object is an item of clothing or something of (even the tiniest amount of) sentimental value.

Today’s lucky winner?

A beach towel.

Ok, go on, laugh, mock me, I care not.

This towel is quite old I have to say – 18 years old to be precise – but it’s not just any old rag. This little piece of colourful history was purchased by my good self in the November of 1990. I had left cold, sleet exposed England behind and boarded a plane for New York, connecting almost immediately for LAX airport.

After several slightly scary nights of hostel living, we climbed down from our Amtrak train in Laguna Beach, California and marvelled at the beauty of the place, not to mention the heat and …..

Actually – I’ll stop there.

I’ll only waffle on for ages just so I can justify posting a photograph of my threadbare but beloved towel.

Farewell loyal servant.

Thou hast served me well.


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